More waiting...
The MRI (resonancia para los que siguen en español) was on Friday. It hadn't been interpreted yet when we saw the oncologist and he wouldn't look at the images without the report. Understandable from a common sence point of view.
But I'm all out of common sence. I want to know now if there has been any response to this last round of chemo. The MIBG in on Wednesday and we'll have all results by Thursday. Dr. Gallego, I'm sure, will call us if there is anything to report. So now every time the phone rings my heart skips a beat. At the end of the day I'm frustrated because we still have no news.
These tests are so important. Decissions will have to be made based on the results. Decisions I'll write about when we know finally what we're up against and what we have to do. So far Ale hasn't responded to the chemo, but hasn't progressed either. I'm trying not to think to much about it becuase the kids can definately sense something is up.
We try so hard no to let these feelings get through, but Carlos and Alejandro pick up on them immediately. They both have had a lot of crazy energy the past few days. Sure, school is starting. Carlos knows he's going and his brother isn't and this is a big issue. And Ale knows that his brother is going and that he's staying at home- also a big issue. In addition we're trying to hold it all together while being worried to death about the test results. So yeah, the kids are a bit out of control these days.
And it's amazing, because looking at Ale, he doesn't seem sick at all. But it's there. There inside of him like some perverse bomb ready to go off at any moment. So please, please, please let this round of chemo have worked or at least have kept him stable. And in a few days we'll be able to start another treatment.... whatever that may be....
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