One thing we've learned throughout this journey is that each day is unique and whatever "plans" are made regarding the future, however immediate, are always subjecto to change. Something as "simple" as a bump on the head or a fever over 100º can change a couple of days at home into a few days in-patient. It used to make me crazy. Somehow, this is a part of this new world we live in that I have grown accustomed to.

So, now we are in the midst of another round of chemo, waiting to hear from Germany regarding the change of dates, and waiting again to hear from the surgeons regarding the possibility of resection. Just about where we were last week.
There are a couple of differences, however. In the past few days, we have learned that the trauma surgeon that will assist the onc surgeon is one of the best. He is the one that does all the neuro-vascular reconstructions and comes highly recommended. The only problem is that he is on paternity leave. We have to hope that he's back by the time Ale finishes this round of chemo or shortly after, or we may have to forego surgery (at least here). And, obviously, a big difference is that the cost of treatment is much more within reach than before (due to my tremendous screw-up with treatment costs and hospitals- again, I'm so sorry for the confusion!!).
All in all, I guess that since last Tuesday things are pretty much back to "normal". Waiting and doing treatment. Hopefully we'll know more next week regarding the MRI and then it's back to square 1- meeting with the surgeons, making decisions, making plans for Germany... But for now, at least, we have a few moments of relative peace and it just feels so good.
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