Alejandro has been amazing today. Full of energy. The 2 days off between the first and second half of this round of chemo and the fact that we actually got the kids on a more "school-like" schedule really show. Today through Tuesday will be Irinotecan alone and Ale tends to tolerate it better than the combo Irinotecan/Temozolamide. And by tolerate I mean that he has even more energy. His Nintendo DS didn´t even come out today. We played dominoes, go-fish, Uno and another game while he received the chemo. And his appetite is great too. At luch, after getting home from the hospital (and the park!!! I really don't know how he does it!), he had a small lamb chop and 4 pork cutlets! His body seems to crave protein these days. I'm not all that comfortable with so much meat (I'm sort of a vegetarian myself- although I do eat fish) but it's so hard with the chemo. If his body wants meat, well, meat it is.
Our son, Alejandro Pérez Oxman, is forever 5 1/2 years old. He fought stage IV high risk Neuroblastoma long and hard for over 3 years. He lost his fight with this beast on the 17th of December, 2012. We miss him more with every day that passes. He is forever in our hearts. This is his story.
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Good Day
Alejandro has been amazing today. Full of energy. The 2 days off between the first and second half of this round of chemo and the fact that we actually got the kids on a more "school-like" schedule really show. Today through Tuesday will be Irinotecan alone and Ale tends to tolerate it better than the combo Irinotecan/Temozolamide. And by tolerate I mean that he has even more energy. His Nintendo DS didn´t even come out today. We played dominoes, go-fish, Uno and another game while he received the chemo. And his appetite is great too. At luch, after getting home from the hospital (and the park!!! I really don't know how he does it!), he had a small lamb chop and 4 pork cutlets! His body seems to crave protein these days. I'm not all that comfortable with so much meat (I'm sort of a vegetarian myself- although I do eat fish) but it's so hard with the chemo. If his body wants meat, well, meat it is.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Monday, September 19

We're hoping to hear soon from the Drs. in Germany. Our oncologist has already forwarded her medical report as to Alejandro's response (or lack of) to date. We are hoping and praying that they consider this "perhapse" 20% reduction in tumor uptake as enough of a response to warrant antibody therapy. We should know by the end of the week.
So, all in all, this week seems to be going well (even if it is still just Monday).
Friday, September 16, 2011
Waiting once again...
So, where does that leave us? Waiting once again. The results and reports are being sent off to the Drs. in Greifswald, Germany for review and we hope to hear from them in the next few days. One of the requisites for antibody treatment is achieving at least a partial response to initial relapse treatment. We aren't sure if they will consider this enough of a partial response to begin antibody therapy, hence the wait.
And Alejandro? He's doing great. Today we started another round (number three) of Irinotecan/Temozolamide which means 10 days of chemo in the day hospital (5 days on, 2 day break and 5 more days). Exhausting. But the thing about NB relapse is that the cancer can grow and spread so quickly that we can't discontinue current treatment while waiting for word on what we will do in the future- and except for the fact that he is a little bit more tired than usual you would never know he's doing chemo. He so amazes me. The things that little body has gone through and yet he plays and runs us ragged just like any other 4-year-old, or maybe even more!
So, in closing, and excuse me if I'm rambling, these last few days have really taken their toll. We find ourselves waiting once again. But at least we know that for the time being the tumor seems to be under control. And for that I am grateful.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Para nuestros amigos castellano y catalán parlantes...

Gracias por estar con nosotros durante estos tiempos difíciles y darnos vuestro apoyo. Sabemos que a muchos os cuesta el inglés y siempre, desde el comienzo, ha sido nuestra intención incluir en el blog links para visionarlo tanto en castellano como en catalán. Solo deciros que estamos en ello y esperamos que empiece a andar como muy tarde a finales de la semana que viene.
De nuevo, gracias por estar con nosotros,
Un abrazo fuerte,
Robin y Dani
Quick update

On one hand this is good, but on the other, if I stop to think about it it makes me kind of sad that he has gone through this so many times that it's almost second nature by now.
On another note, the MRI results are in. No change. At all. As far as the imaging goes, the lesion measures exactly the same as it did in the last 2 MRIs. So tomorrow is a really big deal. We are hoping and praying that there will be no more uptake which would at least mean that the lesion is no longer active. This would be considered a partial response and would allow us to go to Germany for antibody therapy. Other things we need to be prepared for are no response and continued uptake but no disease progression or even bony disease progression. All this we will know on Thursday and at that point we will start making decissions and plans. Please just let me get through the next two days without totally loosing it.
Monday, September 12, 2011
More waiting...
The MRI (resonancia para los que siguen en español) was on Friday. It hadn't been interpreted yet when we saw the oncologist and he wouldn't look at the images without the report. Understandable from a common sence point of view.
But I'm all out of common sence. I want to know now if there has been any response to this last round of chemo. The MIBG in on Wednesday and we'll have all results by Thursday. Dr. Gallego, I'm sure, will call us if there is anything to report. So now every time the phone rings my heart skips a beat. At the end of the day I'm frustrated because we still have no news.
These tests are so important. Decissions will have to be made based on the results. Decisions I'll write about when we know finally what we're up against and what we have to do. So far Ale hasn't responded to the chemo, but hasn't progressed either. I'm trying not to think to much about it becuase the kids can definately sense something is up.
We try so hard no to let these feelings get through, but Carlos and Alejandro pick up on them immediately. They both have had a lot of crazy energy the past few days. Sure, school is starting. Carlos knows he's going and his brother isn't and this is a big issue. And Ale knows that his brother is going and that he's staying at home- also a big issue. In addition we're trying to hold it all together while being worried to death about the test results. So yeah, the kids are a bit out of control these days.
And it's amazing, because looking at Ale, he doesn't seem sick at all. But it's there. There inside of him like some perverse bomb ready to go off at any moment. So please, please, please let this round of chemo have worked or at least have kept him stable. And in a few days we'll be able to start another treatment.... whatever that may be....
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Something that's been on my mind...
Hooray for poop!
Tuesday, August 30th
Extract from a post of mine on a NB listserve
Alejandro had been complaining for 2 days of lower belly pain but he wouldn't let me get near his belly to feel it. Since we were on the last two days of Irino/Temo, I figured today we would discuss it with the oncologist- maybe it was related to treatment. As it was, I decided to poke around Ale's tummy once he was asleep last night to try to put my mind at rest. What I felt was a hard lump in his lower abdomen with a very distinguishable shape. This was around 4 am. Obviously, I did not go back to sleep. As soon as we got to the hospital today for treatment (of course smiling all the way- everything is cool, everything is great) I grabbed the oncologist on his way through the day hospital and told him out of earshot of the kids what was going on. He immediately came over and spent quite some time examining Alejandro's abdomen. He was of course very thorough. At this point I am imagining all the worst-case scenarios all the while with my everything is fine smile plastered on my face. Diagnosis: fecaloma- in other words -Poop. Alejandro gets constipated from Irinotecan instead of getting diarrhea. But this had never even crossed my mind. Needless to say, I had to leave the room as I started crying out of control. I mean, I really lost it. And it took me quite a while to get myself under control again. It was just poop and I couldn't stop crying.
Just another day in the life of an NB parent.
Hello and welcome to Friends for Ale
Friends for Ale has been created to keep our friends and family updated on Alejandro's fight against Neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer with a cure rate of about 30%, and for fundraising/donations for Ale's upcoming medical expenses.
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